Photo credit: Nick Davis



“Working with Benita feels like...magic. Incredible shifts have taken place in my life since working with her -- professionally, personally, spiritually. On every level I feel more free. She has a real gift of vision. She helped me identify my calling, my truth and channel inwards and outwards. From there things started to feel more in flow for me both internally and externally. It's an entirely new way of being. She knew what aspects of my life, my ways of thinking (read: busy mind!) needed to drop to allow for more truth. It still blows my mind that after an email, a call, a text with her -- big shifts occur. And it's fun! I've enjoyed every interaction, unlike with previous modalities. She makes it playful and light.”  

-- Sapna C.

Benita was exactly what I needed right when I needed it. Her coaching around my career was invaluable, but in the end, it was about so much more than just my career. It really felt like a healthy reevaluation of the way that I’d been thinking about huge parts of my life. Her approach gave me the clarity to see everything in the right context and understand how all the pieces fit together and the tools to trust my intuition and follow it to the right destination.

The sessions and the exercises regularly led to “ah ha!” moments for me, even (and especially?) the ones that I didn’t fully understand when I started them. That process of discovery about myself and what’s important to me is something I’m going to carry forward with me for years to come.

– Phil Williams

“When I first met Benita, it was 2013. Back then, we were both in different stages of our lives and careers, before Create Radical Love and before my personal journey into this work. But I could tell even then that she was magic. At a time when I didn’t feel very powerful, she had this effortless ability to see me. See my whole self, my aura, my potential, my magic. And she reflected that vision of my worthiness back to me, in a way that my mind and my spirit could hear. Six years (and multiple top-tier jobs, like she predicted) later, I have begun some of the most important work of my life with Benita. The work of spiritual alignment and excitement. After the past six months of CRL, my life has evolved into a new, heightened, compassionate, joyful state of being and knowing. As I work with Benita, I marvel at how gifted she is at channeling truths and activating intuition, which has helped me to discover the path that’s truest to my spirit. I often describe my experience of working with Benita as walking through a one-way portal. Once you step through, you will always and forever know, deep down, that you and all that surrounds you are abundant. That you are a deeply, universally, wildly worthy human being. And that you are about to create something truly amazing.”  

-- Khira Jordan

“Benita is pure light, love and energy in human form. She’s magic. Her presence alone – even via video call – will make a difference to your day, and your life. Not only is she passionate about helping you live your truth and well-versed in helping you find it, she’s refreshingly pragmatic. It’s a unique mix that makes her a great guide for resetting both career and life, from the big things down to the small. I also found her experience and familiarity with the creative & communications industry (my world) an added bonus. 

At a time when I needed guidance and inspiration, Benita was the perfect dose of both. She opened my eyes and heart to what the universe, and my gut, was telling me. It can seem like the most obvious, intuitive things, but sometimes you just need a Benita to bring it into focus. And she’ll never EVER make you feel like any of it is obvious or easy. Zero judgement. All love.”

-- Andrew Guirguis

Prior to working with Benita, I’d never even considered working with a life coach. I was doing well in my career; my family life was great; I was exercising regularly; heck, I was even meditating twice a day. I was doing everything “right,” and yet, for some reason, I found myself feeling increasingly stressed-out and overwhelmed. So when my wife suggested that I try talking to Benita, I figured, “Why not?”

And I am so glad I did. Benita is everything I could have asked for and more: creative, compassionate, whip-smart and wise. She jumped in head-first with me and helped provide much needed perspective on everything I was going through, while also suggesting an alternative plan of action to help me achieve a more peaceful, more rewarding state of being. The real kicker: it actually worked. I literally could not recommend her more highly. If you’re feeling stressed-out or overwhelmed, give Benita a call. You’ll be glad you did, too.

- Lloyd Taylor

“There’s a reason why I call it the Benita effect. Seeing her for 12 sessions has literally changed my life in so many aspects. From being lost and stressed after quitting my job, only knowing I never wanted to go back, to today when I’m about to start my own company and have never felt more alive and happy. The last couple of months Benita has been my leading star, purposely guiding me, being patient with my fears, sharing helpful exercises and giving me the courage to follow my true passion. Always filled with love, wisdom and excitement. She has an extraordinary skill of seeing every human and their needs in a unique way that I’ve never seen before.  I’m jealous of you who haven't stared this amazing journey yet."

-- Klara Lindberg

“Benita is your reset button.

However, if you’re thinking of reaching out to her for a reset in only your career, think again.

That’s probably not what you need in the first place, at least from my experience.

She makes you prioritize all that matters first.

For a simple reason, Benita makes you realize all aspects of your life - your family, spirituality, health, nutrition, and professional expression - are all interconnected. 

After reset, comes connection. On all levels. Not only to yourself, but to higher beings (of course, if you’re open to it), and to others around you.

Leave your preconceptions, fears, and your ego and limiting beliefs aside and just go for it. It will be an awesome ride and Benita will be the best guide you can ask for.” 

-- Marcelo Pena Costa

“Benita has followed me for quite some time now, guiding me in navigating the complexities of the advertising world, and my place in it. But with each discussion, she brings me so much more. 

I started off with needing guidance transitioning from a master’s student to a working art director. In a very competitive and stressful environment, it is easy to get sucked into the group energies and lose yourself. She helped me reignite my light and find my confidence at that time.

About a year ago, my creative partner and I decided to do sessions individually and as a team. 

Being in a symbiotic creative partnership is almost like being married. And with that, comes its complexities. Benita has helped us resolve issues, understand each other better and tackle situations as a team. Since she has gotten to know us individually, she has helped us reveal our strengths and extract our best selves so as to become more happy, fulfilled, and powerful, as one.

Looking back at this year, the growth I have experienced—thanks to Benita—has been remarkable. I cannot describe the amount of value that comes from her guidance, both on a personal and professional level. It feels she inadvertently takes you on a fast track through life’s lessons, gaining incredible wisdom and clarity with each session. 

 The power, warmth and love she holds for human beings makes her exceptional at what she does. For whomever is reading this... do it. Start your journey with Benita. You won’t regret it.”

-- Mila Wizel

“Working with Benita can help you give birth to a new life, but don’t expect spread-sheets and to-do lists. It’s more about being, listening, about rediscovering who you really are. When you’re ready to let go of the things you think you are (or should be), ready to let your heart’s desires lead the way, Benita will be your dream doula. If you throw yourself into the process, the rewards are guaranteed. But do note, birthing is not a gentle process. It can be beautiful and joyful, but it can also be messy and painful. She will be a loving guide and share ways to dig deeper, but don’t expect a standard executive coach experience. What you get will be so much deeper. So much more.”

-- Deborah Moss

“I find it impossible to adequately describe the feeling I had working with Benita. At one point I found myself crying and I had no idea why. I was feeling joy but also fear. I was excited, but also apprehensive not knowing what the future may bring. It’s a process you must experience to actually understand the magnitude of the work she does with Create Radical Love. What Benita teaches isn’t just a philosophy or a methodology but who she is at her core. One of the most beautiful, honest, passionate people I have had the experience to know and work with.

She helped me turn the anger, the fear, and the selfishness I lived with, into love, hope and a desire to help others. She put me on a path of balance with a well defined purpose to shape my choices, decisions and actions. No longer do I go to sleep at night with a heavy head but with ease and peace. And wake up invigorated knowing I have a rock solid foundation in which to navigate what each day may bring.

Benita is what is right in this world. I think it should be mandatory for everyone to spend time with her because I’ll tell you this, the world would be better place.”

-- Reid Miller


"Benita and her work had a huge impact on me!

Thanks to her ever vibrant joy, encouragement, on-going support and unconditional love, I was finally able to change focus and give my full attention to what means the most to me in life. Change happened quickly and steadily, operating on a deep level, carving out new realities and habits.

I have now not only a whole new flow for myself where my physical, mental and spiritual well-being and alignment come first, leading me into a cycle of endless joy, intuition and abundance but I have shifted my professional path to being more in-line with what truly excites me.

Today my personal and professional lives are aligned: balanced and happy!
In short Benita just rocks! I truly hope she touches as many lives as possible with her beautiful generous energy and awesome approach to life.”

 -- Jennifer de Fouchier


“I first started working with Benita after an inspiring yet unrelated phone call with her, as I was in the process of working out a notice period. We started coaching at a time where I was moving from secure job into the unknown of working for myself; from low confidence and low self esteem; and from a place of work, relationships and family feeling all very disconnected parts of my life. A mix of friend, therapist, coach and just inspiring ball of energy, Benita helped me develop clarity around what motivates me, helped me develop awareness of my behaviours and decision making process, helped me align what I loved doing across all aspects of being me, and without doubt helped me to form both a solid foundation to work from, and accelerated my thinking on where and how I want to continue to work. I'm so grateful so have had the chance to spend time with Benita as both a coach and see her own story develop, and I'm sure this isn't the last time our paths will intertwine.”

-- Matthew Knight

“Positive lady”

“That’s what my husband called Benita after seeing her affect on me, and I couldn’t agree more. I started working with Benita because I felt my life had become a to-do list. I was efficient and got things done, but I wasn’t really enjoying myself. I felt like I just was going through the motions. And, I wasn’t fulfilled in my career either. I knew that I needed to make changes, but I wasn’t sure where to begin. That’s when I was lucky enough to cross paths with Benita. 

Benita was the spark I needed. Working with her helped me not only think, feel and imagine the possibilities, but also make them happen. For the first time in a long time, I feel more balanced and my life feels more authentically me. 

I couldn’t have done it without her.”

-- Kathryn Scott 


I am a former professional ballet dancer, project manager, creative manager, creative recruiter and professional guide for creative people in the advertising industry now grounded in personal truth, alignment and compassion while guiding people and businesses toward RADICALLY LOVED LIVES.

I am also the co-host of What We Know What We Don’t on KWVH radio and various podcast platforms.


Happy to be Here Radio Show

WWKWWD - episode 15 - Your Peanut Butter Journey

StoryCorps - One Small Step Conversation

Be The Plan with Michelle Mercurio - Life is not a checklist

Wholy Mom Podcast - episode 43

Unshakable Self-Confidence with Billy Atwell - part 4

LifeBlood with George Grombacher - Savoring Life, Abundance Mindset

The Source Connection podcast (video) - The Dance of Alignment

Unshakable Self-Confidence with Billy Atwell - part 3

LifeBlood with George Grombacher - Self-Worth

Beauty Wisdom Podcast - Where Beauty Really Comes From

The Power of Your Story with Oleg Lougheed - on Regret

The Overcoming the Odds Podcast - How to Know What is True

Money Savage with George Grombacher - Radical Love

Sprinkled with Hope Podcast - Take the Blinders Off

Always Shine Brightly Podcast with Shanna Covey

Mamas Know Best Podcast - Create Radical Love

The Heart Centered Life Podcast: Gratitude as an Antidote to Perfectionism

The Mario Porreca Show: Having Faith in the Unknown

The Mario Porreca Show: The Energy Behind Being Fully Committed

Beauty & the Beat - How to Create Radical Love

Unshakable Self-Confidence with Billy Atwell - part 2

Refine & Align Podcast with Nicole Weston

HBBB Podcast: Episode 26 on educational paths for kids

HBBB Podcast: Episode 25 on being a child led parent

Simply Happy Podcast with Olivia Reiman

Unshakable Self-Confidence Podcast with Billy Atwell

The Heart Matters Podcast with Louis Morris

The Martin Agency - Impact Interviews Podcast Episode 3

CreativeMornings Richmond Talk

Dream Nation Love Podcast

Self-Care Activist Radio Show Interview on The Work FM

Crazy Women Unite Podcast

We Are Next Guest Email

The OwnStream Podcast Best of 2017

The OwnStream Podcast Episode 40

The Idea with Nick Moore "Diversity is a Talent Issue"

My first expression of a radically loved life came in the form of a professional ballet career. I knew by the time that I was 8 years old that I wanted to be a professional ballet dancer and with laser focus I set out to do just that. I moved to NYC at 17 years old to train at the Joffrey Ballet School and I danced professionally until I was 22. The first time my intuition spoke to me loud and clear (telling me that I was no longer living a radically loved life) was when my body could no longer keep up with the demands of that profession and a voice deep inside told me to get up and leave the studio - and I did.

I then transitioned my love of the physical body and how it works into a career in the fitness industry where for 5 years I was a personal trainer and general manager of health clubs in NYC.

I now look back and see that the fitness industry wasn’t creative enough for this very creative being and so following a classically NYC winding path I found my way into project management at a dot com start-up and was mentored by a creative director who had come from the advertising industry. He suggested I look at working in advertising agencies as a next step and it was another radically loved life moment. Managing a creative group of people, making really interesting work felt like moving through the choreography of a ballet - having all of the shifting parts dance as one - and this was a huge a-ha moment for me and sustained me for the next 17 years.

I had the honor of working at some of the most respected advertising agencies in the industry including, Fallon NY, BBH NY and Anomaly NY. I also had the honor of working with some of the most talented and hardworking people I’ve ever met in my roles covering project, resource and talent management in addition to recruiting. In addition, I spent five years at the respected global talent placement firm The Talent Business where I got to work with thousands of creative people and hundreds of creative businesses looking for world-class talent. I will be forever grateful for these opportunities as they shaped very beautifully my understanding of supporting and nurturing creative minds and hearts.

After having my son and spending my last seven years in the industry witnessing how the harshness and competitive nature of an already fear-based industry was only increasing I started to ask myself, “where is the love in creative businesses today?” And that gnawing question stuck with me until I was at a place where I was able to listen to that deep intuitive voice and once again make a shift and redesign my life again in a RADICALLY LOVED way.

In July of 2017, I left my role as Director of Creative Management & Talent at Anomaly NY. I purposely left without a next job in place, hired coaches and took a couple months to cultivate a calling.

Create Radical Love and my individual coaching practice was born in late August, set in motion in mid September and officially launched at the beginning of October 2017. It is the most rewarding professional experience of my life. I see people change in front of my eyes. I see them become excited again, start to love themselves and their lives and start to make decisions based on what aligns intuitively rather than making decisions based on fear and constructed beliefs that are likely not their own. I work with a diverse range of clients remotely across the globe. I also work with individuals and creative businesses in person locally in the Richmond, VA area as well as in person from time to time in NYC. I also travel to clients for workshops or coaching kick-off sessions. In addition, I founded a Racial Affinity Group that has met consistently for years and I lead the sponsorship and partnership volunteering for CreativeMornings Richmond. I can see the power of transformation happening for so many and the ripple effect those changes have beyond each individual is mind-blowing.

It is important to note that I have also been on a spiritual journey my entire life. It’s taken different forms along the way. Following different teachers and belief systems, following the process of being in my body and finding clarity and enlightenment through physical activity (running, yoga, SoulCycle, Pilates, strength training, dancing, etc.) and working to create a clean physical vessel through experimenting with food and diet. I continue to explore what it means to be a conscious human across multiple inspiration points and through various modes of meditation. There are various other personal aspects to my spiritual exploration, including many years on the sober path, but what’s most important to know if you’re considering working with me is that my definition of spirituality is wide open - I don’t believe in any one religion (though I’ve participated in a couple as part of my own exploration) or any one teacher or practice. I do believe that there is something bigger than me out there (energy, light, universe, love, nature) and when I tap into it and listen, very powerful things happen. I believe that we are all connected by the infinite energy of the universe and we can either flow with that powerful energy or against it. Trust me, flowing with it is the most unbelievably powerful experience - but we have to know how to get out of the way and trust it and I have found that it’s helpful to have support as we step into that beautiful current.

I am also now very physically healthy. I am drug, alcohol, caffeine and mostly sugar and animal product free. My chronic health issues such as eczema and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) have resolved themselves and I feel healthy from the inside out. I have a spiritual practice that includes meditation and yoga in addition to resting, walking, writing, reading, listening to and experiencing content that inspires me. I prioritize the things that I love above all else and I’m very focused on time with my family, schooling our son from home, friends and being present for my clients. We have fun, we laugh and we explore. Travel is very important as well. If it’s exciting to me or a member of my family, we explore it. Life flows and is no longer compartmentalized!

If you are interested in living a RADICALLY LOVED LIFE - a life that aligns with who you are at your core, reach out and let’s talk. A coaching relationship is like no other - we overcome fears and barriers and get you moving forward, we then take more action and keep it moving. It can be one of the most valuable investments of your life. Come join me!